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About this System:

This para-hydrogen storage and distribution system was designed for pragmatic purposes.The Distribution System is used in combination with your para-hydrogen generator. The purpose of this system is assist in para-Hydrogen production, storage, and distribution of gas to different setups.
This system allows you to produce para-hydrogen at the beginning of the week and store it, thus allowing you to perform experiments all week without having to operate the generator everyday which may require 4 hours of production time (with system startup and shut down time). This gives you more time to focus on your experiments.

This system allows you to supply para-hydrogen to 5 independent experimental setups and has independent control of each of its two storage cylinders.


We highly recommend this product in combination with any para-hydrogen generator.


When using this system with the ARS Closed Loop Cryostat, a hydrogen dosing unit and heat exchange coil is also supplied.


Distribution System

The following schematic demonstrates how this setup ties with your para-hydrogen generation.

Distribution System Setup Schematic

Key Features:

  • Dosing System - Controlled Hydrogen supply to the generator. Pulses gas ever 3.5 seconds maximize para-hydrogen conversion with the ARS Generator

  • Heat Exchange Coil - allows the inlet and outlet gas to the generator to thermally equilibrate.

  • Pressure Relief Valve - protects the system from over pressurizing when storing para-hydrogen in the gas cylinders.

  • High Pressure Particle Filter ensures no catalyst or other particulates makes it into your distribution system.

  • Two 20 Lbs (10L) Aluminum Gas Cylinders for storage of para-hydrogen

  • Brass Single Stage Regulators for output pressure control and prevent depolarization of the para-hydrogen.

  • Distribution Panel for independent gas Cylinder control and 5 outlet supply lines.

  • Copper tubing and brass connectors ensure high operating pressures.

  • System designed on casters allow for easy transportation.

Price: €17,900 VAT Excluded*

Price Updated: 13/02/24. (Price is subject to change without warning)

Pricing also available in $US Dollars

*Customers are responsible for local VAT and Duty in country of destination



1) Theis, T.; Truong, M.L.; Coffey. A.M.; Shchepin, R. V.; Waddell, K.W.; Shi. F.; Goodson, B. M.; Warren, W. S.; Chekmenev, E. Y.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 4, 1404–1407

2) Barskiy, D. A.; Kovtunov, K. V.; Gerasimov, E. Y.; Phipps, M. A.; Salnikov, O. G.; Coffey, A. M.; Kovtunova, L. M.; Prosvirin, I. P.; Bukhtiyarov, V. I.; Koptyug, I. V.; Chekmenev, E. Y.; J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 10038–10046.

3) Joalland, B.; Ariyasingha, N.; Lehmkuhl. S.; Theis, T.; Appelt, S.; Chekmenev, E. Y.; Angew. Chem. Int. 59, 22, 8654

4) Shchepin, R. V.; Barskiy, D. A.; Coffey, A. M.; Manzanera Esteve, I.V; Chekmenev, E. Y.;  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 20, 6071

5) Barskiy, D. A.; Kovtunov, K. V.; Koptyug, I. V.; He, P.; Groome, K.A., Best, Q.; Shi, F.; Goodson, B. M.; Shchepin, R. V.; Coffey, A. M.; Waddell, K.W.; Chekmenev, E. Y.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 9, 3322


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