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About this System


Simplifying Your Experimentation Process with our Bubbling System designed for ease of use and efficiency, this plug-and-play kit is your gateway to seamless and hassle-free solution for bubbling para-hydrogen gas through aqueous solutions.


Key Features:

  1. Mass Flow Controller: With a flow rate of 0 - 150 sccm, our system ensures precise control over the gas flow, empowering you to tailor your experiments with accuracy.

  2. Operating Over-Pressure: Ranging from 0 to 100 PSI, our system provides flexibility in pressure adjustments, allowing you to optimize conditions for your specific requirements.

  3. Pressure Relief Valves: Customize your operating pressure effortlessly with our pressure relief valves, ensuring safety and control throughout your experiments.

  4. System Pressure Relief Bypass: Experience uninterrupted experimentation with our innovative pressure relief bypass, enabling easy remove of your sample.


With our parahydrogen bubbling system, embark on your research journey with confidence and ease. Elevate your experiments today!


This System can be used with our Flow Cryostat and Storage and Distribution System seamlessly!


Price: €7,950 VAT Excluded*

Price Updated: 13/02/24. (Price is subject to change without warning)

Pricing also available in $US Dollars

*Customers are responsible for local VAT and Duty in country of destination

Operating Manual



1) Theis, T.; Truong, M.L.; Coffey. A.M.; Shchepin, R. V.; Waddell, K.W.; Shi. F.; Goodson, B. M.; Warren, W. S.; Chekmenev, E. Y.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 4, 1404–1407

2) Barskiy, D. A.; Kovtunov, K. V.; Gerasimov, E. Y.; Phipps, M. A.; Salnikov, O. G.; Coffey, A. M.; Kovtunova, L. M.; Prosvirin, I. P.; Bukhtiyarov, V. I.; Koptyug, I. V.; Chekmenev, E. Y.; J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 10038–10046.

3) Joalland, B.; Ariyasingha, N.; Lehmkuhl. S.; Theis, T.; Appelt, S.; Chekmenev, E. Y.; Angew. Chem. Int. 59, 22, 8654

4) Shchepin, R. V.; Barskiy, D. A.; Coffey, A. M.; Manzanera Esteve, I.V; Chekmenev, E. Y.;  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 20, 6071

5) Barskiy, D. A.; Kovtunov, K. V.; Koptyug, I. V.; He, P.; Groome, K.A., Best, Q.; Shi, F.; Goodson, B. M.; Shchepin, R. V.; Coffey, A. M.; Waddell, K.W.; Chekmenev, E. Y.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 9, 3322

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